My thigh on yours, your palm in mine.
Tucked between your arms, I think I'll stay.
It's simply the moment, my soul begins to flake between your fingers.
Skin burns against breath,
Trace melted trails amid many nooks.
Sanity in this room, no longer remains.
Heart beats meet shoulder blades,
Hands intertwine. The luxury of time
Meets the infinite number; the particles of life.
Lashes beat and lungs exhale.
Hopes are high, expectations higher still.
Tucked tighter more, this moment can't stay.
The clock comes to life, traffic rushes by.
One arm falls limp, followed by his brother.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
My tears, they may fall against a rosy cheek.
The flakes, they float from fingers to floor.
This moment shall be, never more.